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Are you interested in joining HOSA – Future Health Professionals? Start by seeing if there is a chapter at your school – here is a Nebraska HOSA chapter map. If there is one at your school, great! You can begin by talking to the chapter advisor, also listed on the map.

If there is not a chapter at your school, you can get started by reading the Informational Packet linked below and reaching out to the State Advisor Jami Denny with questions. Once you are ready to move forward. here are the steps:

1. Follow your school’s process for starting a new student organization within the school. Usually this involves administrator and board approval.
2. Identify a school-approved chapter advisor and at least five interested students
3. Contact State Advisor Jami Denny
4. Submit membership affiliation and dues (instructions below)
5. Become familiar with HOSA processes and resources
6. Establish an officer team
7. Develop a program of work

Nebraska HOSA Student and Family Informational Packet

Affiliation Process

The Affiliation Process is online and it is easy! All chapters affiliate through the HOSA web site at We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions that would improve the online affiliation process. The step by step affiliation instructions are below.

Internet Affiliation Instructions

  1. The first step in using the internet affiliation system is to email your HOSA State Advisor- Jamelyn Denny. If you affiliated last year, your charter number (username) and password will be the same this year.
  2. With your chapter’s password and national charter number, go to the following link and enter your charter number and password – Affiliate. 
  3. After successfully logging in, you should reach the main menu. To access instructions for online affiliation, please click on the first link in the main menu. It is recommended that you review the instructions if you are unfamiliar with the online affiliation system. HOSA affiliation fees are a total of $20 per member each year – $10 for Nebraska HOSA and $10 for National HOSA.

Affiliation Instructions with Images